nilht̲s̲'i    nilh•t̲s̲'i    ᘆᒡᙫ    V

it is windy


[lh-t̲s̲'i < t̲s̲'i₂ «wind»]  Imperfective Affirmative  Continuous

This verb form belongs to the paradigm be windy.

ni lh t̲s̲'i
ADV REST PObj P Curs N Neg Obj Sₒ WHq Con Dq Nq Sq Inc Neg Mod Asp Sᵢ Valence Stem
19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Stem
Disjunct Zone Conjunct Zone Valence Stem

Related Words:   Wind

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