Click on a Dakelh expression to play the audio.
English | Dakelh |
How do I say ________? | ______, nts'eza'a dusni? |
How do you spell ________? | Nts'eza'a ___ kw'e'ts'ugus? |
Please help me. | Sla 'ineh [to one person] |
Sla 'aht'en [to more than one person] | |
Do you understand? | T'eooninz̲un hoh? [to one person] |
T'eoonahz̲un hoh? [to more than one person] | |
I don't understand. | T'eoonuzusz̲un |
Repeat, please. | Doocha dini [literally, "you say again"] |
Excuse me | Nyooz |
What does ________ mean? | ____, ndi dini? |
Please hand it to me. | De' |
Hello | Hadih |
How are you? | Danint'oh? [to one person] |
Danaht'oh? [to more than one person] | |
I am good. | Soo'nust'oh. |
Thank you | Musi |
Goodbye | Nanyoost'en si [to one person] |
Nanahoost'en si [to more than one person] | |
Good Morning | Bunda hoonzoo |
My name is ___ | Sboozi ___ |
I'm sorry | Ndzoh 'usja |
Yes | A |
No | 'Andooh |
Be quiet | T'ezinih [to one person] |
T'ezahnih [to more than one person] | |
Sit down | S̲inda [to one person] |
S̲ahke [to two people] | |
Delhut̲s̲'i [to three or more] | |
Come here | 'Anih |
Look | Nilh'en [to one person] |
Nulh'en [to two or more people] | |
Listen to me | Sooz̲elht̲s̲'ai [to one person] |
Who? | Ndan |
What? | Ndi |
How? | Nts'eza'a |
Where? | Nts'e |
Why? | Dika |
When? [in the past] | Nts'ohda |
When? [in the present or future] | Nts'ohde |
Who is this? | Ndunah ndan hont'oh? |
What is this? | Ndi hont'oh? |
What time is it? | Nts'oh whunet'o? |
Revision of 2024-06-26.