Dakelh (Carrier) Language Resources

This is a list of teaching and reference materials for the Carrier (Dakelh) language.

For materials published by the Yinka Dene Language Institute, contact the Carrier Sekani Tribal Council archivist, Rachel Knudsen, archives@cstc.bc.ca, tel: 250-596-9860, extension 223.

Most materials published by the Carrier Linguistic Committee/Society are available from Clara's Native Arts and Crafts in Fort St. James. (What was once the Carrier Linguistic Committee changed its name some years ago to the Carrier Linguistic Society.) clara1jack@gmail.com, tel: 250-996-1638.



The Carrier Language: a brief introduction

A book about the language for a general audience. Not a textbook but provides background information and an idea of what the language is like. Published by College of New Caledonia Press. Available from CNC Bookstore. Most libraries in the area also have it. The PDF can be downloaded: here

Introduction to the Carrier Syllabics

Textbook of the Déné Syllabics. A PDF can be downloaded here. Printed copies can be obtained from Bill Poser or ordered from http://www.lulu.com/content/paperback-book/introduction-to-the-carrier-syllabics/9024364

Syllabics card

A laminated pocket-sized card with a chart defining the Déné syllabics in terms of CLC system. Available from Bill Poser.

Syllabics Transliterator Web Page

This web page converts between the CLC system and the Déné Syllabics.


Carrier Linguistic Committee Writing System Transliterator Web Page

This web page converts from a pure ASCII representation that you can type on an ordinary English keyboard without any special input method to the Carrier Linguistic Committee writing system. It gives you an easy way to enter underscores and acute accents.


Interactive map of Dakelh place names

https://www.billposer.org/DakelhPlacenames/DakelhYunBilingual.html An explanation of how to use the map is here.

Syllabics Font

A good syllabics font is the OskiDakelh font, which you can download here. Instructions for installing it are here


Keyboards for entering Dakelh in the CLC writing system on both Macintosh and Microsoft Windows systems are available at:


These provide a means of entering the underscores for the fronted consonants and the acute accent for those wishing to write tone.

Keyboards for entering Dakelh in the Déné Syllabics are available from the same source. One allows you to type in the Carrier Linguistic Committee system and converts on the fly to syllabics. The other assigns syllabic characters to single keys. These keyboards work on Microsoft Windows and Macintosh OS X systems and allow you to type in syllabics in programs such as Microsoft Word and OpenOffice.org Writer.

Understanding How Father Morice Wrote Carrier

An explanation of the roman writing system used by Father Morice in his scholarly publications and in the third edition of the prayerbook. Aimed at people familiar with the Carrier Linguistic Committee writing system. Bill Poser. Downloadable here

Carrier Onomatology

Adrien-Gabriel Morice. 1933. American Anthropologist n.s.35.632-658.

Describes and analyzes personal and place names. Downloadable here.

Baby Name Book

An explanation of the traditional naming system, with lists of pre-contact-style names, names borrowed from other languages and adapted to Carrier, and words suitable for use as names. Bill Poser. Published by Carrier Sekani Family Services, from which printed copies may be obtained. Downloadable here

Yinka Dene Language Institute

A web site with much information about language and culture.


Information about dialects and dialect differences.

Dakelh Language Lessons Facebook Group

A Facebook group with posts of questions and answers, resources, etc.

Yinka Dene Language Institute Facebook Group

A Facebook group for discussion of language and culture.

Dakelh Language Lunch

A weekly Zoom meeting for learning and practicing Dakelh. Hosted by Marion Erickson. The Zoom link is posted weekly on the Dakelh Language Learning Facebook page. As of January, 2025 suspended until further notice.

Scramble Game

A game in which the user has to re-arrange the letters of word presented in scrambled order.

WordPie Game

A guessing game similar to Hangman.

WordSearch Game

A game in which the user looks for words within a grid of otherwise random letters.

Web Dictionary Tutorial

A tutorial on the use of the Lheidli, S̲aik'uz̲, Stuart Lake, and Ulkatcho web dictionaries.

The Gravestones in Carrier Syllabics

A compilation of the gravestones with inscriptions in syllabics, with photographs, transcriptions, translations, and notes.

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The principal language of Lake Babine Nation, Takla First Nation, Wet'suwet'en First Nation (Broman Lake), Skin Tayee, Nee-Tahi-Buhn, Hagwilget Village First Nation, and Witset First Nation (Moricetown).

Witsuwit'en Grammar: Phonetics, Phonology, Morphology

By Sharon Hargus. 2007. UBC Press. 850 pp.

A detailed study of the sound system and word formation, aimed at professional linguists.

Witsuwit'en Hibikinic.

Compiled by Sharon Hargus. Witsuwit'en Language and Culture Society. 2022. 912 pages.

Witsuwit'en-English with an English index. Some material is also available on the Society's web site. Copies are available at no cost to members of the Hagwilget, Witset, Wet'suwet'en First Nation, Ts'il Kaz Koh, Nee Tahi Buhn and Skin Tyee bands. Others may purchase the dictionary.

Witsuwit'en Topical Dictionary: Witsuwit'en-English and English-Witsuwit'en.

Compiled by Sharon Hargus. ms. University of Washington.

A dictionary organized by topic rather than alphabetically. Accompanied by an alphabetical English index. In progress since at least 1999.

Wet'suweten First Voices

A simple dictionary with audio, some stories, and some games.

Nedut'en (Lake Babine) First Voices

A simple dictionary with audio, some stories, and some games. Accessible only to community members. If you are an LBN member, contact your band office.

Nedut'en (Lake Babine) Bilingual Classroom Dictionary

Dorothy Patrick and Susie Tress. 1991. Vanderhoof: Yinka Dene Language Institute and Carrier Linguistic Committee.

Babine-English children's dictionary for use in primary school classes, in large print, with illustrations and example sentences. Contains about 600 entries.

Tsë Cakh Wit'en

Compiled by Sharon Hargus. 1995. Hagwilget, B.C.: Hagwilget Band.

A collection of stories, with glosses and translation, together with discussion of selected aspects of the vocabulary and an explanation of the writing system. Accompanied by two audio cassettes.

Cheryl Bibalhats [Cheryl's Potlatch]

By Sheila Thompson. 1991. Vanderhoof: Yinka Dene Language Institute.

An account of a little girl's potlatch, from her point of view, told in Babine with English translation. An audio recording is also available.

My Grandma Makes Bannock. Stso' Ghey Bee Sit'e 'Illhekh

By Laura Rose, Dorothy Giuliani, Ruth Young and Susie Tress. 1997. Vanderhoof: School District 91 and Lake Babine Nation. Story by Laura Rose, Dorothy Giuliani, Ruth Young, Susie Tress. Translated by Susie Tress and Dorothy Patrick, with the assistance of Elder John Dennis. Photographs by Dorothy Giuliani. Illustrations by Laura Rose. ISBN 0-9682471-0-5. 29pp. Profusely illustrated, mostly with colour photographs. Softcover, with laminated covers. In English and Nedut'en (Babine).

A boy describes making and eating bannock. Contains a recipe for bannock.

Desi, Winter and Summer. Desi, Kheet tl'a Cen

John Barth, Evelyn George, and Desiree George. 1994. Burns Lake: School District 55 and Lake Babine Band. Story by John Barth, Evelyn George, and Desiree George. Translated by Susie Tress and Dorothy Patrick, with the assistance of the Elders of Old Fort and Tachet. Photographs by John Barth. ISBN 0-9696230-4-6. 45pp. Profusely illustrated, mostly with colour photographs. Softcover, with laminated covers.

In English and Babine. Tells about a nine-year old girl's activities at different times of the year.

Summer at Old Fort

By Pat Gooding, Susie Tress, and Dorothy Patrick. 1993. Burns Lake: School District 55 and Lake Babine Band. Story by Pat Gooding, Susie Tress and Dorothy Patrick. Translated by Susie Tress and Dorothy Patrick, with the assistance of the Elders of Old Fort and Tachet. Photographs by John Barth and Pat Gooding. ISBN 0-9696230-2-X. 48pp. Profusely illustrated, mostly with colour photographs. In English and Babine. Softcover, with laminated covers.

Tells about a young boy's summer trips to Old Fort.

The Boy Who Snared the Sun

By Catherine Coldwell. Vanderhoof: Yinka Dene Language Institute.

A children's book containing a legend with colour illustrations. Text in English, Nak'albun dialect, Lheidli dialect, Ulkatcho dialect, and Babine. Also available as a colouring book. Illustrations by Roman Muntener.

The Robin and the Song Sparrow

By Catherine Coldwell. Vanderhoof: Yinka Dene Language Institute.

A children's book containing a legend with colour illustrations. Text in English, Nak'albun dialect, Lheidli dialect, Ulkatcho dialect, and Babine.

Classification and nomenclature in Witsuwit'en Ethnobotany: A preliminary examination

Leslie M. Johnson-Gottesfeld and Sharon Hargus. 1998. Journal of Ethnobiology 18.1.69-101.

A discussion primarily of life-form terms and other higher-level nomenclature for plants. Downloadable here.

Takla Nation Language Revitalization

A Facebook group concerned with Takla First Nation language.

Witsuwit'en Language and Culture Society Facebook Group

A Facebook group concerned with Witsuwit'en language and culture.

Witsuwit'en Language Drop In

A Zoom session for learning and practicing Witsuwit'en. No committment is necessary. Mondays 1-3pm and Wednesdays 5-7pm.

Optional Wh-Movement in Babine-Witsuwit'en

Natural Language & Linguistic Theory Vol. 18, No. 2 (May, 2000), pp. 199-251

Niwh Khinek Drop-in Class for Young People

Nedut'en (Babine) dialect taught by Julian Lowley. Tuesdays 5:00pm - 6:30pm at St. Michael's and All Angels Church, 1505 5th Avenue in Prince George (map). Contact: Julian Lowley:250-613-9230, julian@csfs.org). Open only to children and youth (up to 18 years old) from Cheslatta, Lheidli T'enneh, Nadleh, Nak'az̲dli, S̲aik'uz̲, Stellat'en and Yekooche. Children and youth must be accompanied by their caregivers. Food is provided, transportation is not. Sponsored by Carrier Sekani Family Services. On Thursdays there is a similar class on S̲aik'uz̲ dialect. Starts January 7, 2025.

Small Number and the Big Tree

Video of a children's story with audio in Witsuwit'en accompanied by bilingual text.

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Cheslatta Dialect

Nyan Whut'en Hubughunek (Cheslatta Carrier Dictionary)

2009. Burns Lake, BC: Cheslatta Carrier Nation. xvi+436 pp. Compiled by Bill Poser.

Carrier-English/English-Carrier dictionary with over 5700 Carrier-English entries. Contains grammar sketch, discussion of relationship of dialect to other dialects, history of Cheslatta people, topical index, root list, stem lists, affix list, and indices of placenames, scientific names, and loanwords.

Leila's Moccasins/Leila Bukesgwut

Written by Patricia A. Christensen and Norma A. Quaw. Carrier translation by Mary Patrick. Drawings by Norma Quaw. Photographs by Patricia A. Christensen. 1993. Burns Lake: School District 55. ISBN 0-9696230-1-1. 49pp.

A detailed description of how to tan hides and make beaded moccasins, in English and Cheslatta dialect Carrier. Profusely illustrated with colour photographs and black and white drawings.

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Eastern Blackwater Dialect (Lhtakoh, Nazkoh, and Lhoosk'uz)

Footprints in Stone

Information about history and culture in Nazkoh dialect. The site contains parallel versons in English and French.

Ndazdeh Huwhut'en Hubughunek - Southern Carrier Dictionary

Laura Boyd, Doreen Patrick, and Rose Patrick. 1993. Quesnel School District and Red Bluff Band. ISBN 1-895795-00-1. 162pp.

First Voices

A simple dictionary with audio, some stories, and some games.

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Fraser Lake Dialect

Web Dictionary

The web dictionary is indexed 28 different ways and may also be searched on either Dakelh or English by means of regular expressions. Entries potentially contain much information, including audio, images, video, links to external resources, maps, grammatical information, etymologies, sources for the entry and displays of verb structure. "fuzzy" searches that take into account the spelling difficulties of language learners are available.


Nadleh and Stella Dakelh Dictionary: Nadleh Whut’enne ‘ink’ez Stella Whut’enne Hubughunek

Dakelh-English, English-Dakelh, topical index.

Nadleh-Stella First Voices

A simple dictionary with audio, some stories, lessons, and games.

Nadleh Stella Tsilk'azkoh Language App

A topical dictionary for Android devices. There is a video tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MbaOnB8t5V8.

Nadleh Whut'en Hubughunek

Fort Fraser: Nadleh Education Committee. 1982.

Two volume primer, for learning to read.

Nadleh Whut'en Workbook

Fort Fraser: Nadleh Education Committee. 1982.

Workbooks for the two primers.

Stellat'en Hubughunik

Fort Fraser: Nadleh Bunk'ut Cultural Committee. 1975.

Primer, for learning to read. Book One.

Carrier for Beginners: Nadleh Dialect

Noeleen McQuary.

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Lheidli Dialect

Lheidli Pronounciation

An introduction to the sound system and writing, with audio.

Listening Exercises

Listen to audio, write it down as best you can, then reveal the hidden answer and compare.

Lheidli Dakelh Dictionary

This web dictionary is indexed 28 different ways and may also be searched on either Dakelh or English by means of regular expressions. Entries potentially contain much information, including audio, images, video, links to external resources, maps, grammatical information, etymologies, sources for the entry and displays of verb structure. "fuzzy" searches that take into account the spelling difficulties of language learners are available. There are currently about 5,900 entries.


Carrier Grammar Sketch (Lheidli Dialect)

A pocket-sized booklet summarizing grammar. Also contains charts of the CLC writing system and the syllabics. You can download the pdf. If you want a hard copy printed and bound in the intended format, contact Bill Poser. 48 pages.

Word Order Exercises

Given a set of words and an English sentence, put the words in the correct order to make a Carrier sentence with the same meaning.

Parents' and Caregivers' Mini-Dictionary (Lheidli Dialect)

A small, simple English-Carrier dictionary aimed at parents and caregivers of young children who want to support them in their language classes. Downloadable here. Bill Poser

Lheidli Pocket Dictionary

A small, simple bilingual dictionary aimed at beginners, small enough to carry around all the time. Available from Bill Poser.

Instructional Videos

A growing set of short videos on a variety of topics (animals, weather, trees, etc.), focused on vocabulary, by Edith Frederick.


The Boy Who Snared the Sun

By Catherine Coldwell. Vanderhoof: Yinka Dene Language Institute.

A children's book containing a legend with colour illustrations. Text in English, Nak'albun dialect, Lheidli dialect, Ulkatcho dialect, and Nadot'en. Also available as a colouring book. Illustrations by Roman Muntener.

The Robin and the Song Sparrow

By Catherine Coldwell. Vanderhoof: Yinka Dene Language Institute.

A children's book containing a legend with colour illustrations. Text in English, Nak'albun dialect, Lheidli dialect, Ulkatcho dialect, and Nadot'en.

Classificatory Number Bingo Kit

A kit for playing a form of bingo that teaches the use of all five sets of numbers. Instructions are included. Downloadable here

Number Booklets

A set of five booklets for learning the numbers. Each booklet contains pages for the numbers from one to twelve, with an appropriate number of images on each page. The five booklets cover counting items of the five types distinguished by the language: people, moose, houses, months, and kinds. Downloadable here.

In Flanders' Fields

Lheidli dialect translation by Mary Gouchie, with audio. The text is available here

Lheidli T' enneh Hubughunek

Prince George: Lheidli T'enneh.

Two volume primer, for learning to read.

Lheidli T' enneh Hubughunek Workbook

Prince George: Lheidli T'enneh.

Workbooks for the two primers.

Ceepee and the Fish Camp

Hubble Homestead/Giscome Portage Heritage Society. 2021. Illustrations by Cliff Mann and Jennifer Annaïs Pighin. Carrier translations by Edith Frederick.

This children's book tells the story of Ceepee, a young Lheidli girl, and her family through the seasons as they travel around their territory gathering food and other resources. The main text is in English, but many words are also given in Lheidli dialect. Paper copies are for sale online here. You can read it on-line here.

Weekly On-line Dakelh Session

A weekly Microsoft Teams meeting for learning and practicing Dakelh. Hosted by Cherie Chai. Every Friday from 2:45-3:15. Here is the invitation file: LheidliTeamsInvite.ics. Materials from previous sessions may be found here.

Tli Buna Be Ts'unilh'en - Through the Eyes of a Dog

By Nicole Lodge. Dakelh translation by Edie Frederick and Bill Poser. Illustrations by Chad Thompson. Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island: Pownall Street Press. 2022. 29pp + iii. ISBN 978-1-7389848-3-1.

An illustrated children's book in Dakelh and English. Versions are also available with text in French, Mi'kmaq, and Plains Cree.

The Prosodic System of the Dakelh Carrier Language

Gessner, Suzanne C.. 2003. Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Linguistics, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia.

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Nak'albun (Stuart Lake) Dialect

The language of Tl'azt'en Nation, Nak'azdli First Nation, Binche Whut'en, and Yekooche.

Nak'albun Pronunciation

An introduction to the sound system and writing, with audio.

Listening Exercises

Listen to audio, write it down as best you can, then reveal the hidden answer and compare.

Web Dictionary

This is one form of access to the material in the lexical database, which contains over 70,000 entries. The web dictionary is indexed 28 different ways and may also be searched on either Dakelh or English by means of regular expressions. It is also possible to search for the place names within a given distance of a certain location. Entries potentially contain much information, including audio, images, video, links to external resources, maps, grammatical information, etymologies, sources for the entry and displays of verb structure. "fuzzy" searches that take into account the spelling difficulties of language learners are available.


Nak'albun Whut'en Bughuni

This is one form of access to the material in the lexical database. A Dakelh-English/English-Dakelh dictionary. Contains root list, stem list, list of stems sorted by root, affix list, affix list by English gloss, and indices of placenames, scientific names, and loanwords. With over 50,000 entries, this is now over 3,000 pages, so kind of unwieldy. Broken into three PDFs, it can be downloaded here.

English-Carrier Pocket Dictionary

A portable, pocket-sized dictionary aimed at those trying to speak and write in Dakelh. Although small in physical size, the dictionary contains 3,050 entries, including 1,944 nouns. There are 851 entries for verbs containing over 11,000 verb forms. Important areas of vocabulary are covered indetail. For example, there are 220 entries for animals, plants, and other living things and 135 entries for parts of the body. The dictionary contains 246 pages, including an alphabet chart and an 18 page explanation of how to use the dictionary. The dictionary is 4in x 5.5in (10cm x 13.75cm), spiral bound so that it will lie flat, with laminated covers for durability. Available from Nak'azdli band office or Books and Company in Prince George. flyer.

The Carrier Language: a Grammar and Dictionary

Father Adrien-Gabriel Morice. 1932. Mödling bei Wien, St. Gabriel, Austria: Verlag der Internationalen Zeitschrift "Anthropos".

A massive two volume grammar and root list with many, many example verb forms. About 3/4 is included in the lexical database. This and other materials by Father Morice use a writing system different from the Carrier Linguistic Society writing system. For an explanation, read Understanding How Father Morice Wrote Carrier. PDFs of the two volumes may be downloaded from Libraries and Archives Canada: Volume I  Volume II. The web dictionary contains links from entries for which this book is a source to the section of the book in which they are found.

Central Carrier Bilingual Dictionary

Francesca Antoine, Catherine Bird, Agnes Isaac, Nellie Prince, Sally Sam, Richard Walker, and David B. Wilkinson. 1974. Fort Saint James, British Columbia: Carrier Linguistic Committee.

Carrier-English dictionary with English index, containing about 3000 entries. Accompanied by a brief grammatical sketch by Richard Walker and an appendix on kinship terminology by Shirley Walker. There is a recent revised edition in letter-size format.

Parents' and Caregivers' Mini-Dictionary

A small, simple English-Carrier dictionary aimed at parents and caregivers of young children who want to support them in their language classes. Downloadable here. Bill Poser

Carrier Grammar Sketch (Stuart Lake Dialect)

A pocket-sized booklet summarizing grammar. Also contains a chart of the CLC writing system. Available from Bill Poser. 51 pages. The most recent version is that of December 14, 2023.

Nak'albun Carrier Paradigms

Bill Poser. 2nd edition 2017.

A collection of paradigms of verbs, nouns, postpositions, pronouns, and numbers. The core consists of the full 72-form subject/tense/mode/aspect/negation paradigms of 100 selected verbs. 191 pages.

Conversational Carrier

A CD containing the same material as the booklet in the form of web pages. Four indices are offered: the Carrier text is available in both the Carrier Linguistic Committee writing system and syllabics, either with or without the English translation. Clicking on the Carrier text plays the audio, spoken by Catherine Bird.

Nak'azdli Medical Pocket Phrasebook

A set of questions and answers along the lines of Conversational Carrier together with lists of relevant vocabulary and a few necessary grammar points. Carrier Linguistic Society. 2016. 68pp.

Nak'azdli First Voices

A simple dictionary with audio, some stories, lessons, and games.

Yekooche First Voices

A simple dictionary

CLC alphabet card

A laminated pocket-sized card explaining the CLC writing system. . Available from Bill Poser.

Classificatory Number Bingo Kit

A kit for playing a form of bingo that teaches the use of all five sets of numbers. Instructions are included. Downloadable here

Number Booklets

A set of five booklets for learning the numbers. Each booklet contains pages for the numbers from one to twelve, with an appropriate number of images on each page. The five booklets cover counting items of the five types distinguished by the language: people, moose, houses, months, and kinds. Downloadable here.

Annotated Audio

Stories, songs, and so forth with explanations.

To the Nahani and Back by Trail

By Eli Prince. Fort Saint James, B.C.: Carrier Linguistic Society/Necoslie Indian Band.

An account of travels in the Nahani country, in Carrier, with English translation, by a woman who did not speak English.

Hanuyeh Ghun 'Utni-i

Fort Saint James, British Columbia: Carrier Linguistic Society.

Discusses plants and their uses, with illustrations. Text in both Carrier and English.

Kw'eh Ts'u Haindene: Descendants of Kwah - A Carrier Indian Genealogy.

By Bernadette Rosetti. Fort Saint James: Carrier Linguistic Society and Necoslie Indian Band.

A geneaology of the descendants of Chief Kwah, in Carrier, with English translation, photographs, and numerous charts.

Central Carrier Country

Fort Saint James: Summer Institute of Linguistics/Carrier Linguistic Committee

A booklet consisting of maps of the area near Stuart Lake, primarily to the North and East, labelled with Carrier names


A series of three short legends, one including a song, are told by the late elder Veronica Rossetti. The legends are: The Owl and the Nobleman's Son, We Married the Beaver, and The Grizzly Bear and the Nobleman's Daughter. Part 1   Part 2.

Many Seasons, Different Fish

A video in which Marie Hanson shows how to prepare salmon for smoking. The inside of the smokehouse is shown, and at the end, the dried fish is shown being stored in a cache. Entirely in Dakelh. watch.

Berry Preparation

Mildred Martin and Helen Johnny describe the traditional way of collecting, preparing, storing, and preserving berries. 9 minutes. 6.5 minutes.

Ts'oodunne Hik'uyalhduk-i. Book One

By Nellie Prince. Fort Saint James: Carrier Linguistic Society.

A collection of short stories with English translations. Aimed at schoolchildren.

Ts'oodune Hik'uyalhduk-i. Book Two.

Fort Saint James: Carrier Linguistic Society.

A collection of short stories by Mary LeBrun, Angie Morris, Sally Sam, and Elsie Solonas with English translations, aimed at schoolchildren.

The Boy Who Snared the Sun

By Catherine Coldwell. Vanderhoof: Yinka Dene Language Institute.

A children's book containing a legend with colour illustrations. Text in English, Nak'albun dialect, Lheidli dialect, Ulkatcho dialect, and Nadot'en. Also available as a colouring book. Illustrations by Roman Muntener. An interactive version with audio is available here

The Robin and the Song Sparrow

By Catherine Coldwell. Vanderhoof: Yinka Dene Language Institute.

A children's book containing a legend with colour illustrations. Text in English, Nak'albun dialect, Lheidli dialect, Ulkatcho dialect, and Nadot'en. An interactive version with audio is available here

Nak'azdli Whut'enne Nawhuhulnuk

Fort Saint James, B.C.: Carrier Linguistic Society.

Contains short stories by Sam Lazar and Catherine Coldwell with English translation.

Dakelhne Bughuni

Fort Saint James: Carrier Linguistic Society and Necoslie Indian Band.

A collection of songs and poems, mostly by Ileen Heer.

Dustl'us Nawhulnuk

Stuart's Lake Mission.

24 issues of newspaper published by Father Morice, in syllabics.

The Little Dwarves and the Creation of Nak'azdli.

Vanderhoof: Yinka Dene Language Institute.

A children's version of the legend told by Louis Billy Prince (1864-1962) to Father Adrien-Gabriel Morice. Text in Carrier and English, with colour illustrations. YDLI.

Musdzi 'Udada' (The Owl Story)

By Bernadette Rosetti. Vanderhoof: Yinka Dene Language Institute.

A children's book containing a traditional story with English translation and colour illustrations.

Religious Material

Various religious materials are availble from the Dakelh Good News site.

The New Testament and an audio recording of the Gospel of John by the late Ray Prince can be downloaded at no cost from Scripture Earth.

Bilingual New Testament - Dakelh/English

The New Testament with Dakelh and English in parallel columns.

Bilingual New Testament - Dakelh/Greek

The New Testament with Dakelh and the original Greek in parallel columns.

Yak'usda Ooghuni: 'Andidi Khuni Neba Lhaidinla-i

Colorado Springs, Colorado: International Bible Society.

The New Testament. 841 pp. Downloadable here. Audio of portions can be downloaded here. The text is also available from https://www.scribd.com/doc/101777636/Bible-in-Carrier?.

Sizi Gri Ooyun

Fort Saint James: Carrier Bible Fellowship.

Hymnal partly Dakelh, partly in English.

Annotated Hymns

Some of the most common hymns and prayers in both the CLC writing system and syllabics, with word-by-word translation and explanatory notes. Downloadable here.

Dustl'us Ookw'ut Tenazdudli (Carrier Prayer-Book)

Father Adrien-Fabriel Morice. Stuart's Lake Mission: the author.

Prayers, catechism, hymns, etc. in Carrier written in syllabics. Includes a few Latin hymns in syllabics. Prefaces in English, French, and Carrier.

Carrier Prayer-Book

Father Adrien-Fabriel Morice. Lejac Indian School.

Prayers, catechism, hymns, etc. in Carrier written in romanization used by Father Morice in his scholarly work, with English glosses. Forward and grammatical sketch in English. It is marked "Third Edition"; the first two editions were the syllabic versions of 1904 and 1933.


By Father Adrien-Gabriel Morice. Vanderhoof: Yinka Dene Language Institute.

The Stations of the Cross as translated into Nak'albun dialect by Father Morice. Transliterated into the Carrier Linguistic Society writing system by Catherine Coldwell. YDLI.

Nak'al Bun Whudakelhne Bughuni

By Antoine, Irene, Bird, Catherine, Heer, Ileen, Martin, Mildred, and Florence Sam. 1991. Vanderhoof, B.C.: Yinka Dene Language Institute.

Carrier-English dictionary for use in primary school classes, containing about 300 entries. There is a videodisc containing a subset of about 200 entries, and a VHS video transfer of the videodisc.


Fort Saint James: Nak'azdli Indian Band and Carrier Linguistic Comittee. 1994. ISBN 0-920366-40-5. 40pp

A booklet with one page per speech sound. Each page shows the letter or letters used to write the sound, a word containing it, and an illustration of the word. The fronted consonants s, z, ts, dz, and ts' are not included.


By Bernadette Rosetti. Fort Saint James: Carrier Linguistic Society.

A 17 page illustrated childrens' story in Dakelh without English translation. Spiral-bound, the size of an artist's pad, for use in class. Illustrated by Robin Walker.

Nak'azdli Bughuni

Fort Saint James: Carrier Linguistic Committee and Necoslie Indian Band.

Two volume primer, for learning to read.

Nak'azdli Bughuni Workbook

Fort Saint James: Carrier Linguistic Committee and Necoslie Indian Band.

Workbooks for the two primers.


Fort Saint James: Carrier Linguistic Committee and Necoslie Indian Band.

Elementary textbook of Nak'albun dialect.

Carrier Curriculum Guide: Language Studies. Grades K-7

1985. Fort Saint James: Carrier Linguistics Committee and Necoslie Indian Band.

A curriculum for primary school Carrier language and culture classes, with learning outcomes by grade for attitudes, culture, and language.

Sus Yoo: The Bear's Medicine

Clayton Gauthier. 2020. Theytus Books. ISBN 978-1-926886-57-2.

An illustrated children's book with text in English and Carrier. Carrier translation by Danny Alexis and Theresa Austin.

Carrier Reading Book

Adrien Gabriel Morice. 1894. Downloadable pdf

A reader in syllabics. 205 pages.

Single Page Calendar

A calendar for the year 2021 on one page, in Dakelh, created by Marion Erickson. calendar2021.docx.

Monthly Calendar

A calendar for the year 2023 with each month on a separate page, in Dakelh. monthlycalendar_nakalbun.zip. This version is bilingual and has the day numbers spelled out in Dakelh. Similar calendars can be generated with various other parameters, e.g. monolingual, bilingual with different combinations of languages, and without the day numbers spelled out. Contact billposer@alum.mit.edu.

Word Order Exercises

Given a set of words and an English sentence, put the words in the correct order to make a Carrier sentence with the same meaning. You can reveal the answer to check yourself.

Nunulk'i'-un ("The Lame One")

By Bernadette Rosetti, with illustrations by Robin Walker. Nak'azdli: Carrier Linguistic Committee. 17pp.

A traditional story on a 16'' x 12'' flip chart, spiral-bound at the top, intended for the teacher to display to a class. The front of each sheet contains the Carrier text and an illustration. The back has the English translation. The story is suitable for children but the Carrier language level is advanced.

Tl'azt'en Let's Speak Dakelh

A collection of phrases useful for people learning in a mentor-apprentice program.

Nak'azdli Dakelh Hymn Group

"By sharing the beauty of Dakelh language & hymns, the group provides a space for healing, connection, & artistic expression, while uplifting the voices of our Elders & nurturing the next generation of singers."

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Saik'uz Pronunciation

An introduction to the sound system and writing, with audio.

Listening Exercises - Carrier Linguistic Committee Writing System

Listen to audio, write it down as best you can, then reveal the hidden answer and compare.

Listening Exercises - Syllabics

Listen to audio, write it down as best you can, then reveal the hidden answer and compare.

Web Dictionary

The web dictionary is indexed 28 different ways and may also be searched on either Dakelh or English by means of regular expressions. Entries potentially contain much information, including audio, images, video, links to external resources, maps, grammatical information, etymologies, sources for the entry and displays of verb structure. "fuzzy" searches that take into account the spelling difficulties of language learners are available. There are currently over 9,600 entries.


Carrier Grammar Sketch (Saik'uz Dialect)

A pocket-sized booklet summarizing grammar. Also contains a chart of the CLC writing system. Available from Bill Poser. 50 pages.

Conversational Carrier

170 basic sentences and expressions. Click on a sentence to hear it. The Carrier text is offered in a choice of Carrier Linguistic Committee writing system and syllabics. In either case, you may use an index with or without the English translation.

Classificatory Number Bingo Kit

A kit for playing a form of bingo that teaches the use of all five sets of numbers. Instructions are included. Downloadable here

Number Booklets

A set of five booklets for learning the numbers. Each booklet contains pages for the numbers from one to twelve, with an appropriate number of images on each page. The five booklets cover counting items of the five types distinguished by the language: people, moose, houses, months, and kinds. Downloadable here.

Medical Carrier

A set of questions and answers along the lines of Conversational Carrier together with lists of relevant vocabulary and a few necessary grammar points. Yinka Dene Language Institute. 2000. 10pp. Downloadable here.

Salmon for the Smokehouse

Mary John, Sr. demonstrates how to prepare salmon for smoking. She also points out various parts of the fish and gives their Carrier names.

I Teach the Children

A video in which Gracie John teaches a kindergarten class. 6.5 minutes.

Strong Stories Books

Books by Cecilia John aimed at children in grades 1-3. Two books (Counting in Carrier and Berries of the Dakelh Territory) are in Carrier and English. Four books (Fall in Saik'uz, Winter in Saik'uz, Spring in Saik'uz, and Summer in Saik'uz) are in Carrier, English, and French. (There are also two books in English only.)

Word Order Exercises

Given a set of words and an English sentence, put the words in the correct order to make a Carrier sentence with the same meaning.

Niwh Khinek Drop-in Class for Young People

S̲aik'uz̲ dialect taught by Sarah John. Thursdays 4:30pm - 6:00pm at St. Michaels and All Angels Church, 1505 5th Avenue in Prince George (map). Contact: Julian Lowley:250-613-9230, julian@csfs.org). Open only to children and youth (up to 18 years old) from Cheslatta, Lheidli T'enneh, Nadleh, Nak'az̲dli, S̲aik'uz̲, Stellat'en and Yekooche. Children and youth must be accompanied by their caregivers. Food is provided, transportation is not. Sponsored by Carrier Sekani Family Services. On Tuesdays there is a similar class on Nedut'en (Babine) dialect. Starts January 9, 2025.

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Ulkatcho Dialect

Ulkatcho Pronunciation

An introduction to the sound system and writing, with audio.

Web Dictionary

The web dictionary is indexed 28 different ways and may also be searched on either Dakelh or English by means of regular expressions. Entries potentially contain much information, including audio, images, video, links to external resources, maps, grammatical information, etymologies, sources for the entry and displays of verb structure. "fuzzy" searches that take into account the spelling difficulties of language learners are available. There are currently about 3,400 entries.


Nagwuntl'oo Bughunek: Elementary Dictionary

By Janie Ann Jack, Theresa Holte, and Bella Leon. 1999. Nagwuntl'oo Bughunek Carrier Dictionary Committee.

A small dictionary for use by primary school students.

'Utsoo and I. Si 'ink'ez 'Utsoo

By Laura M. Boyd (1990). Anahim Lake: Ulgatcho Indian Band.

Children's story in Ulkatcho Carrier and English. Contains recipe for nawus (Indian ice-cream). Translation into Ulkatcho Carrier by Janie Jack, Bella Leon, Gertie Leon, Mack Squinas, Rose Squinas, Jimmy Stillas, Leona Toney and Jennifer West.

The Boy Who Snared the Sun

By Catherine Bird (1994). Vanderhoof: Yinka Dene Language Institute.

A children's book containing a legend with colour illustrations. Text in English, Nak'albun dialect, Lheidli dialect, Ulkatcho dialect, and Nadot'en. Also available as a colouring book. Illustrations by Roman Muntener.

The Robin and the Song Sparrow

By Catherine Coldwell. Vanderhoof: Yinka Dene Language Institute.

A children's book containing a legend with colour illustrations. Text in English, Nak'albun dialect, Lheidli dialect, Ulkatcho dialect, and Nadot'en.

Yak'usda Bughunek: K'andit Khunek Neba Lhaidinla

Carrier Bible Translation Committee (2002). Wycliffe Bible Translators.

The New Testament, in Ulkatcho dialect. Adapted from the Stuart Lake version by Vivian Cahoose and Dick Walker. 790 pp. Downloadable here. Audio of portions can be downloaded here. A printed version can be ordered from: Carrier Bible Translation Committee, RR#3, Kinglet Road, C.19, Williams Lake, BC V2G 1M3 Canada.

Classificatory Number Bingo Kit

A kit for playing a form of bingo that teaches the use of all five sets of numbers. Instructions are included. Downloadable here

Ulkatcho Food and Medicine Plants.

By Richard Hebda, Nancy J. Turner, Sage Birchwater, Michèle Kay, and the Ulkatcho Elders (1996). Anahim Lake: Ulkatcho Indian Band.

Information on plants used for food and medicine, including names in the Lhk'acho dialect. The plants are identified by their scientific names. As of 2021 this has been reprinted at a cost of $22.50 per copy plus postage. Contact Sage Birchwater: sagebirchwater@shaw.ca. Or download the pdf at no cost.

Environmental, cultural and linguistic factors affecting Ulkatcho (Carrier) Botanical Knowledge

By Michèle Suzanne Kay. 1995. M.A. thesis, University of Victoria. 289 pages.

Detailed discussion of ethnobotany, with names of plants and some other linguistic information.

Nagwuntl'oo Bughunek 1

1981. Ulkatcho Indian Band. Anahim Lake. 59pp.

Reading primer based on Nak'az̲dli version.

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Revised 2025-01-18 14:36:34 by Bill Poser.